Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bush Anemone

Common Name: Bush Anemone
Scientific Name: Carpernteria Californica
Clade: Vascular plants, seed producing plants, angiosperms, dicots.
Date collected: April 19th, 2011
Location collected: Mildred E. Manthias Botanical Gardens - UCLA
Habitat: found in elevations from 1500 to 4000 feet; found where moisture is relatively abundant, on north-facing slopes and in ravines; it is better suited to a moister, cooler climate that existed thousands of years ago; requires drainage and sandy soil; Native to Sierra Nevada of California.
Nativity: Native
Special Notes:It is a popular ornamental plant in gardens grown for its decorative flowers; it is now much more common in cultivation than in the wild. The genus was named in honor of Dr. William Marbury Carpenter
Resources: http://plants.usda.gov/java/nameSearch

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